What documents are required to open an account at PAYINR ?

No documents are required to start an account at PAYINR .

What happened if I lost my password ?

You can easily recover your password. We save your email in our database to rescue you during this unconditional situation .

Why 1 PAYINR = 1 INR ?

Interesting question , yet we are offering the most convenient and lowest price for a national token in the market.

Is your platform secure ?

We are using blockchain a secure platform for doing online transactions. We have additional cloudflare security as well. You don’t have to worry about your assets working with us.

Are you taking any hidden commission or charges ?

We are totally client based company and facilitating our valuable clients by providing overall leverage to the users . We don’t have any hidden commission or extra charges for any service.

What is the minimum deposit here ?

There is no minimum amount required to start using our services at PAYINR .

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