This Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer Policy (hereinafter - the "AML/KYC Policy") is assigned to eliminate and alleviate dangers of “KYC_AML”.orgidentified with tax evasion and related dangers. This is a short concentrate of key standards of the inward Policy and ought not be viewed as a total record. You can demand the full report by reaching customer technical support of the Company.

Domestic and International law enforcement requiresPAYINR to execute compelling interior systems and components to forestall illegal tax avoidance, psychological oppressor financing, medication and illegal exploitation, multiplication of weapons of mass pulverization, defilement and pay off and to make a move in the event of any type of dubious action from its Customers.


1. Selecting an Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Officer (AMLCO) and ensuring that workers know to report any dubious movement to him;

2. Distinguishing the obligations of ranking directors and furnishing them with normal data on illegal tax avoidance chances;

3. Creating awareness to the employees about Anti-Money Laundering policies;

4. Proper documentation and updation of anti-money laundering laws, strategies, controls and methodology;

5. Acquainting measures which make sure that the danger of money laundering is considered in the everyday running of your business;

6. Sending/detailing all or any doubts ,cases to the competent authority.

7. Quickly reacting to all correspondence from the top management about relevant cases.


Before the organization can execute any exchange for any new Customer, various techniques should be set up and completed:

• AML methods, specifically recognizable proof, record-continuing, finding and observing unordinary or fraudulent transactions and as proper inside revealing and control;

• Workers know their duties and the organization's systems;

• All the competitive training be avail;

• All important solicitations from outside sources are sent straightforwardly to the AMLCO.


Whenever the company receives a new query about any Customer’s identification (KYC), it should be totally fulfilled that they exhibit the presence of the new Customer as a genuine company or lawful individual and that they are to be sure whom they state they are. Despite the fact that the organization will on occasion depend on third party sources as a component of its factchecking strategy when on boarding Customers, the organization bears extreme lawful obligation regarding the checks being palatable. .

Client's ID data will be gathered, put away, shared and secured carefully as per the organization's Privacy Policy and related guidelines that compare to the GDPR prerequisites.


The monitoring of the Client’s accounts and keeping transactions record is one of the main component to avoid any money laundering risk and to eradicate any possible Terror Financing.

In this regard, the AMLCO will be liable for keeping up continuous monitoring for the on-going observing cycle of the organization.

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